Guntersville 2021
Friday, September 17, 2021
Tournament Held 9/17/2021
7:30 AM - Registration & Breakfast
8:30 AM - Shotgun Start
Lunch & Awards Following
Gunter's Landing Golf Course
1000 Gunters Landing Rd, Guntersville, AL 35976, USA

Elderly Christians in Baja

Proceeds from this golf tournament are being dedicated to the care of the Christian elderly in Baja whose families either lack the resources to provide care or whose families have abandoned them because of their faith. With plans for a new Christian Assisted Living facility already underway in the San Quintín valley, these funds will be set aside to cover operating expenses for this welcoming, love-filled, up-to-date facility. Throughout the Bible, God and His Son repeatedly demonstrated a special compassion for the elderly and widows.
Your generous support will help enable Baja Missions and the Baja churches to put the Lord's compassion into visible action, comforting widows and glorifying His name.
Baja Missions, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization affiliated with the churches of Christ. Donations and financial support are tax deductible.
Includes golf fees, breakfast, lunch, and soft drinks on the course
Includes one Mulligan and one Power Drive for each team member
Team Participation
Includes golf fees, breakfast, lunch, and soft drinks on the course
Includes one Mulligan and one Power Drive
Individual Player Participation
Diamond (Tournament Sponsor)
Signage at Tournament
Hole Sponsor Sign - Exclusive Sponsor of Longest Drive Hole
Includes Entry Fee for Two 4-Member Teams in the Tournament
Includes Mulligan and Power Drive for Each Team Member
Special Gift Given to Sponsor
Gold (Tournament Co-Sponsor)
Signage at Tournament
Hole Sponsor Sign
Includes Entry Fee for One 4-Member Team in the Tournament
Includes Mulligan and Power Drive for Each Team Member
Special Gift Given to Sponsor
Platinum (Tournament Co-Sponsor)
Signage at Tournament
Hole Sponsor Sign - Exclusive Sponsor of Closest-to-the-Pin Hole
Includes Entry Fee for Two 4-Member Teams in the Tournament
Includes Mulligan and Power Drive for Each Team Member
Special Gift Given to Sponsor
Bronze (Hole Sponsor)
Hole Sponsor Sign